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80318 DB Flat Car BT10 with Load (Insider 2008)
Flat car BT10 loaded with 3 type Efkr bulk freight containers, as used by Knorr for foodstuffs and bulk raw materials. Era III. Model released 2008 only. 40mm. Road no. 010321.
8107 DB Suburban Train City Bahn (1987-89)
Comprises diesel DB class 218, road number 218 145-1, a combined 1st and 2nd class passenger car, a 2nd class car and a 2nd class car with luggage compartment and driver cab. First released 1987, 448mm.
8221 Holderbank Self-Unloading Hopper (1995-1998)
Class Fals self-unloading hopper. Private wagon adapted by SBB. Era IV. Model first released 1995, 53mm. Road no. 665 6 306-4.
8610 DB Low-Sided Wagon (1972- )
Class Klms 440. Era IV. Model first released 1972. Fitted with metal wheels in 1979. Colour changed from light brown to dark brown in 1988. This wagon also forms the basis for many special releases and is typically included with starter sets. 54mm.
8616 Sealand Container Car (1972-1981)
Flat car with Sealand container. Model first released 1972. Fitted with metal wheels in 1979. 54mm.
8624 DB Ballast Car (1981- )
Talbot-self-unloading car. Era IV. Model first released 1981 in reddish-brown colour, changed to dark brown in 1987. 33mm.
8630 DB Self-Unloading Hopper (1979- )
Class Fals 176 open bogie self-unloading hopper. Era IV. Model first released in 1979 in reddish-brown colour, changed to dark drown in 1987. 53mm. Road no. 696 0 333-9.
86501 Track Cleaning Wagon
70mm Road no. 535 7 106-3
8657 Mobile Crane and Flat Car (1988- )
Mobile crane and flat car set. Era IV. Model first released in 1988. 93mm.
8685 DB Covered Hopper (1989-1998)
Bogie covered self-unloading hopper class Tad-u961. Era IV. Model first released in 1989. 54mm. Road no. 583 0 085-5,
8716 DB Intercity Commuter Coach, 2nd Class (1976-1998)
Class Dnb719 commuter coach, dubbed "Silberling" because of its colour. Model first released in 1976, metal wheels added in 1979. Road number changed with 1984 version. 120mm. Road no. (1976) 50 80 22-11 276-7; (1984) 50 80 22-53 603-3. Picture shows 1976 model.
8717 DBIntercity Commuter Coach, 1st & 2nd Class (1976-1998)
ABnrzb commuter coach. Model first released in 1976, metal wheels added
in 1979. Road number changed with 1984 version. 120mm.
8718 DB Intercity Commuter Coach with Cab and Lights 1979-1998)
BDnf735 commuter coach with driving cab. Having the locomotive at one
end and a driving cab at the other allowed the train to shuttle in both
directions. Model first released in 1979. 120mm. Road no. 82-34 080-5.
8721 DB Passenger Coach 2nd Class (1972-1977)
Class Bum234 passenger coach. Era IV. 120mm.
8774 DB Bord Restaurant Car (1989-1998)
Restaurant car, class WRmz135. Model first released 1989. 120mm.
8822 DB Krokodil Electric Locomotive(1983-2000)
Electric freight locomotive, DB class 194. Model first released 1983. Headlights change to reflect direction of travel, 5 pole motor fitted to 2000 version. 85mm.
88613 SZD Tank Car (1992)
SZD Tank wagon, marked to recognise 100 years of the Trans-Siberian railway. Model released 1992 in a limited edition of 500. 40mm. Road no. 314 7 842-0.
8875 Diesel Locomotive DB Class 216 (1972-1990)
DB Class 216 diesel locomotive. First version released 1972, second version in 1977. The 1977 version has rivets around the roof centre panel, the coupler style also changed at this time. Road number 216 025-7. Length 75mm
8876 Rail Zeppelin (1982)
Experimental high-speed train from the 1930s. Era II. The model Rail Zeppelin was released in 1982 to mark the 10-year anniversary of Märklin. Working headlights and separately-driven orange propeller at the rear. A revised version was released in 2011. 117mm
Tank locomotive, DB class 74. First released 1976. In 1977 the coupler was updated. From 1988, the control rods were painted red. The original 3-pole motor was replaced with a 5-pole one in 2000. Road number 74 701. Length 55mm.
88972 Steam Locomotive DB Class 44
DB class 44 heavy freight locomotive. Version with oil firing and Witte smoke deflectors. Used for long ore and coal trains. Era III.
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