Restoring a 1978 Märklin Dealer Layout


Apparently the principal national Märklin dealerships in each country had a demonstration layout based on the 8930 toporama. This layout utilised the standard basic and extension kits, and showcased all of the model buildings available in the Z range at that time.  The layout did not however include a turntable, transfer table or road level crossing, nor did it feature any signals or relays.

This one was supplied to Haseldens Hobbies & Cycles in Palmerston North in May 1978. At that time, Haseldens was located in Main St, but the following year they moved to new premises in The Square, Palmerston North.  The model was supplied by H.W. Clarke Ltd, a distributor that also stocked radios, refrigerators and other electrical appliances.

I purchased this off TradeMe in early 2020. Only two of the nine points were operational, many of the catenary mast bases and wire trees were rusted out and at some point a heavy weight - probably a transformer - had been dropped on the catenary, crushing a large section of it and demolishing some of the tower masts.

Bringing it back to working condition has involved lifting most of the track to replace the points, and replacing the catenary, which was all badly deformed.  At the same time, the original Märklin control boxes for the points were replaced with rocker switches and the early-style motor vehicles were swapped out for later non-Märklin models. The switches and cars are the only items on the layout not faithful to the original.

The photo above shows the layout with the track replacement complete and the catenary masts (but not wire spans) installed.



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